Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chapter 1: Make New Friends

Since this week marks the first full year I’ve been living and working in Pittsburgh, it seemed like fate that the Newcomer’s Club in my city would host its annual Fall Kick-off Meeting on Wednesday night at a local coffee house. I was bound and determined to participant and find myself a buddy or two.

The sad truth is that I’ve been here a whole year now and haven’t really made any new friends. Yes, I realize I’m pathetic. And while I have a few co-workers I like and some of Keith’s co-workers are fun to hang out with too, it’s not the same as having a true girlfriend – someone I can just call up and see if she wants to grab a bit to eat, go shopping, see a movie or get a pedicure.

Sometimes I think I’m being too greedy because I really don’t have enough fingers and toes to count all the wonderful high school, college and after-college group of ladies that I’m so lucky to have as close friends. I know they are all there for me no matter what…except when I have the urge to see a chick flick on a weeknight and they are all at least 3 hours away. That’s a problem. So finding someone here in Pittsburgh to add to my list of close girlfriends is a necessity.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I went to the meeting. I felt like a freshman on OSU campus again – completely shy and afraid that people might see a big “L” (for loser) stamped across my forehead. What I found was a room full (and I mean full) of chatting woman. For some reason I thought it would be a small turnout, but apparently this Newcomer’s Club averages between 70 – 100 ladies. Wow! And it truly is a diverse group of woman – younger and older, working and non-working, single and married, etc.

After I signed-in and got my name badge, I slightly panicked because it was starting to get crowded and all the women were standing in groups chatting. Do I just pick a group to party crash? Will someone see me and welcome me into their conversation? Crap! I didn’t know what to do except bolt for a corner table that had fliers about upcoming events. I think one of the current members took pity on the awkward pregnant lady who clearly “didn’t have a group” and came up to introduce herself. Whew! Ice was broken. I felt a little more at ease and more women slowly started to join our conversation so I got to meet more “newbies” in the community.

Later, the President had all the Department Chairs go around and discuss the various activities of the Club – wine and chat, monthly dinners, book club, theatre club, international club, family events, play dates, couples events, etc. There truly is something for everybody.

I eventually sat at a table with a nice group of women, two of which were new to the area as well. And it felt so good to just talk to them. Granted, I didn’t leave the event with a new BFF (that takes time), but I felt happy and proud of myself for taking that scary first step. It’s not easy being the new kid, but at least I found a group of women who are in the same situation…and maybe open to adding me to their list of buddies too. Only time will tell.

I think I’m going to go to the September book club meeting next Thursday because they selected The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and I luckily read that book this past June. Yay! I’ll keep you posted on how my search for a new friend goes...I’m beginning to think it’s as much work as renovating a house!

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