Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chapter 1: 1/2 Bathroom Renovation

I had good intentions when I started this blog back in December. But all of a sudden it's the end of March and I've only published 2 posts. LAME! I promise to be a lot better about updating. Not because anyone is actually reading this, but because it's important to me. I heart our new house and I want to capture all the hard work and love we are putting into it.

We've certainly been busy the past 3 months and I'll have many updates to share. First, I'll start with our 1/2 bathroom renovation. Here is a photo of the bathroom before we moved in:

Before photo

Jealous? haha! This was actually the one room I thought we'd tackle last. But since we are all about DIY - yet have never renovated a bathroom before - we figured let's start with the 1/2 bathroom first. That way if we run into trouble, the cost of bringing in the professional experts would only be for a 1/2 bath and not a full. So smart!

The first phase of renovation was demolition. I graciously stepped aside and let Keith manage this activity. :o) It involved removing wallpaper, ripping the tile from the walls and the floor, removing the toilet, sink, vanity and medicine cabinet. We decided everything needed to go except the vanity and marble countertop (yes, marble folks!). With a little bit of white paint and new hardware on the vanity and it would be as good as new again! And here is how our empty bathroom appears:

Hot Mess Photo

And you definitely need to see the giant hole in the wall from where we removed the medicine cabinet:
Hole-ly Cow

After we removed the medicine cabinet we found a layer a floral wallpaper we had not seen before. We just love surprises...dont' you? Well, don't worry because we'll have plenty more to share with regard to this 1/2 bathroom renovation. Stay tuned for the next chapter where we'll discuss our design plan!