Monday, July 26, 2010

Team Pink

Keith and I were so excited to learn today that we’re expecting a little girl this December 20! The Meckstroth household will finally be even – two boys (Keith and Walter) and two girls (me and nugget)!

When I saw my doctor last week he told me that I could schedule my ultrasound for sometime the following week. Needless to say, I scheduled our appointment for 7:30 a.m. Monday morning. Lol Keith didn’t want me to get my hopes up because he figured we’d totally be the couple that wouldn’t be able to find out during the ultrasound…and he was almost right.

When we first got started, the tech was looking at the heartbeat and snapping images for the doctor. She actually struggled with that part a bit because our little nugget was wiggling around like a little worm. Then we checked out the head and a little arm and hand were resting nearby. Too cute! The kidneys, bladder, legs, arms, nose and ears were all there too. If felt so wonderful to have this visual confirmation that our nugget was healthy and kickin’ – literally!

But the big moment I had been waiting for quickly passed with frustration. The flippin’ cord was in the way! Are you kidding me?!?! The tech had to stop twice and take a break to see if the nugget’s cord had moved from between the legs. No such luck. I almost started to cry. Fortunately, three times is a charm and a simple trip to the bathroom was the magic trick!

Keith has thought all along that our nugget was going to be girl because all of his high school friends had baby girls and practically all of my high school friends have girls. He thinks it must be something in the water. Ha ha! I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but then I had a dream last night of being in the ultrasound room and the tech telling me I was having a girl. Isn’t that crazy?

We both couldn’t be happier! Nursery ideas, shopping trips, cupcake baking session, etc. are all thoughts that are racing through my head right now. And my sweet hubby is thinking about how much longer he’ll have to extend his retirement plans. Lol But I know that our little girl will have him wrapped around her little finger in an instant.

This happy house feels truly blessed right now…and especially happy!

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