Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Removing Carpet

As we mentioned in House History – our second post on this blog – underneath all the carpet in our home was untouched hardwood floors. I literally felt like we hit the jackpot when we found this out. I mean, seriously, no one builds homes like this anymore. I’ll never forget my anticipation when Keith peeled back a corner of our master bedroom carpet our first night in our new home. Anticipation quickly turned to utter joy and excitement when we discovered the floors were in amazing condition after 44 years!

And those feelings never got old as we slowly removed almost all the carpet from the house except for the hallway and basement, which would have to remain in place for the time being (but we’ll get to it at some point).

However, our excitement would eventually change to disgust when we realized how gross it is to remove really old, thick carpet. Yuck! I get the willies just thinking about the feeling of the moist texture of the padding underneath the carpet. Having to cut and roll all of it up into 4 foot bundles for the trash is not fun – nor is having to remove all the staples from the floor along with the wood strips. What a pain! My job was to remove the staples while Keith tackled the wood strips.

All the hard work was worth it in the end though. I have beautiful hardwood floors throughout the whole house. Now I just dream about all the area rugs that I need! I’ll have more on that eventually. Stay tuned!

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