Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chapter 2: Make New Friends

In case you haven’t read my sob story of having no friends in the Pitts, you can read it here. I made my second attempt at finding a friend at the Newcomer’s Club September Book Club meeting. I was again, super nervous upon arrival – especially since I was one of the first to arrive. But I was greeted by one of the gals I met at the Kick-Off Meeting so we quickly started chatting.

The hostess had selected the book “The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo.” I read this book in June and couldn’t put it down. I actually ended up reading the second installment “The Girl Who Played with Fire” last week at the beach and thought it was even better than the first. Now I’m trying to figure out how I can find the time to read the final book “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest” and start our October book of the month “The Road to Wellville.” And let’s not forget I’m going through my whole “nesting” phase right now and I need to get the house in order before the nugget arrives.

Anyhoo, I had a good time at my first book club meeting and I even learned a few things…
  1. Book Club never starts on time so don’t worry about getting to the hostess house right at 7 p.m.
  2. Don’t eat dinner before Book Club because the hostess has plenty of yummy munchies!
  3. I don’t think I really have to even read the book of the month because we didn’t spend that much time discussing…although I can’t figure out if that was just because this was the first Book Club meeting of the year and there were a lot of new members and introductions of how the club worked.

I was brave and even signed-up to host our July meeting. I figured that would at least give me six months to try and get the hang of this “being a mom” thing. Plus, by then I’ll hopefully have a living room.

I can’t really host an event with a living room like this. Yikes! That means getting a sofa, chairs, rug and wall hangings before July! Keith thought it was very sly of me to volunteer to host. It definitely puts a deadline on a project that’s probably at the top of my list, yet more at the middle or bottom of his list. Ha ha! (I love you babe!)

So like the Kick-Off Meeting, I didn’t necessarily walk away with a new BFF, but I’m making connections with other women in the community and getting out of my hubby’s hair for a few hours in the evening. I’d say that’s a success!

We’re staying in the Pitts this weekend to work on the nursery, the kitchen and few other home improvement “to-do” things. I’ll have updates next week. Stay tuned!

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