Monday, September 13, 2010

Going Home

So I realize that all I ever talk about on this blog is the renovation of our house. I have yet to talk about the relocation aspect of our move that has also changed our lives. This week marks the first full year I’ve been living and working in Pittsburgh – Keith was here for about 3 months before me.

One thing I can say about our relocation is how it has made me cherish our trips back to Columbus, Ohio. These trips almost feel like holidays to me. I’m literally giddy the entire week before as I busily try to pack as many dates with friends and family into one weekend as humanly possible.

This past weekend was a big event in Columbus and we definitely didn’t want to miss it – the first Saturday afternoon OSU football game of the season! And this particular Saturday was probably one of the biggest games of the year. OSU was playing Miami! The last time these two teams met was the 2003 National Title Game. Miraculously we managed to score 4 tickets to the game through the OSU alumni lottery. And of course we asked two of our favorite people to join us – Nick and Amanda.

And we were especially relieved to learn their guest room was vacant for the weekend and, like always, they welcomed us to crash at their house like it’s no big deal. And while it might not be a big deal to them, it’s a big deal to us. As much as I cherish our trips back to Columbus, it’s often stressful having to find a place to stay for the weekend. We don’t want to be (or feel like) a burden on others. But our relocation has made Keith and I feel even more grateful to have such loving and caring friends and family who happily open their homes to us and make us feel so welcomed and comfortable without a blink of the eye. We truly appreciate it and can’t thank them enough for their generous hospitality! xoxo

So Saturday morning we were back at the best place on earth…outside the OSU football stadium with our Buckeye tailgate van, hanging out and soaking up some sunshine and good times with friends.

Amanda and Nick are expecting a baby boy exactly one month before we are so Amanda and I already have grand ideas of our children marrying each other so we can plan a wedding…she promised that they were starting to save money so “Hector” could buy “Nugget” a huge engagement ring! Don’t we look cute with our bellies and our Buckeye necklaces?

And Lynette, another BFF, was in town from Chicago so that was an added bonus to being in Columbus this weekend. She was taking Kristy (my oldest BFF and practically a sister) to the game with her so they stopped by the tailgate too. I love how we got Morrill Tower in the background because that is where we lived Freshman year. (We missed Laura not being in town, but I loved hearing her voice that morning when she called to tell me to have a good weekend! That one is nothing, but sweetness!)

Our seats for the game were literally the last row of the stadium, but on the 50 yard line. And while it was a haul for Amanda and I to get our bellies up all those stairs, the view was well worth it.

And just look at this photo of us! I think this may need to be on our Christmas card this year – right?

It was an AWESOME game that even a few showers during the 2nd quarter couldn't change. The Buckeye’s won it 36-24. Go Bucks!

Then Sunday morning Keith and I got to visit with Kristy and Lynette again over breakfast, but this time we also got the pleasure of Reese’s company. Reese is Kristy’s 4-month-old baby girl and the most squeezable little darling ever!

I love how Reese and my nugget will be close in age and can one day share a love of Barbie Dolls like her mother and I once did.

After breakfast I attended the baby shower Keith’s family was throwing for me and it was nice to spend a beautiful afternoon outdoors with his aunts and cousins since we probably won’t be able to see them over the holidays this year (Nugget’s arrival will put a halt on any of my travel at the end of this year).

They prepared a delicious lunch and showered me with some much needed baby gear and books for our little nugget.

And then all of a sudden, it was time to drive back to the Pitts (my pet name for my new city). Every time we leave it makes me long for the time when we have the opportunity to move back to Columbus. But I’m also enjoying this exciting adventure Keith and I are doing together…because trust me, living in Pittsburgh is an adventure!

If I’ve learned one thing about our relocation I would have to sum it up with the last words to The Ohio State University’s alma mater Carmen Ohio:

"Time and change will surely show, how firm thy friendship. OHIO”

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