Friday, September 3, 2010

Bump Watch

Here is me and my belly at 24 weeks pregnant. Yup, I’m pretty much all belly at this point. I still can’t believe I’m more than halfway through my pregnancy. December 20th is going to be here before we know it. This stresses me out slightly because there is still so much to do around the house! Lol

But with the kitchen renovation coming to an end soon, Keith and I decided we just need to focus on preparing the nursery (I’ll have detail chapters on that soon), cleaning, organizing and maybe finally hanging up a few pictures on the walls. The sunroom, basement and two remaining bathrooms will just have to wait until next year…or the year after. Plus, let’s face it, I’m not going to be much help around the house my third trimester.

I’m actually looking forward to slowing down our pace for the rest of the year and just nesting. Anyone that knows me realizes I’ve got a mild case of OCD. I like my house to be clean and tidy at all times, but that’s something that’s completely not possible when you’re renovating. So for the past year, I’ve had to deal with the fact that at least 2-3 rooms in our house have been a total hot mess. So it will be nice to maybe just leave the basement as a hot mess, but get all the other rooms somewhat in order before the nugget arrives. Yay!

Keith and I are sticking around the Pitts this Labor Day weekend. The plan is to work on the house (we have a rather long “to-do” list), but we plan to also enjoy the long weekend and relax too. I’ll have photos of the kitchen next week so stay tuned and enjoy your weekend!

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