Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chapter 11: Kitchen Renovation

I’m not a fan of disorder and chaos in my home – or in life. And while I’ve had to slowly become accustomed to living with unfinished rooms since we moved into our home 9 month ago, I knew living without a kitchen for a few weeks was going to be the true test of my sanity.

You see, I view the kitchen as the heart of the home. I love the feeling of a full refrigerator, ice cream treats in the freezer and the week’s dinner menu taped to the frig (it’s the planner in me, what can I say). Keith can attest that when I don’t have these things, I tend to get cranky. And no one likes a cranky pregnant woman. :o)

But to get my new kitchen, I’d have to deal with this for awhile:

A refrigerator in our sunroom.

Pantry food, paper plates, plastic cups and utensils on a card table in our dining room.

Microwave on a TV tray in the dining room.

Dishes in the half bathroom closet.

Kitchen utensils in half bathroom vanity.

Pots, pans and bigger items stacked in the corner of our living room.

Trust me, this was no picnic. Although, speaking of picnic, I feel like we did eat a lot of picnic-type foods while our kitchen was out of commission, such as:
  • Grilled hotdogs, hamburgers or grilled chicken
  • Store-bought potato salad or chips
  • Microwave veggies
Thank goodness we had the good sense to complete this kitchen renovation while we could still grill outside. And while it’s been nice not having to worry about cleaning pots and pans or loading/unloading the dishwasher, I have to admit this kind of life isn’t for me – or Keith. He certainly misses coming home after work to the smell of something good cookin’ in the kitchen. It will happen soon enough though. Patience truly is a virtue.

Stay tuned to find out what happens when our contractors make their first visit!

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