Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chapter 3: Kitchen Renovation

Photo of Columbus Brothers building

One of Keith’s co-workers recommended we visit Columbus Brothers to discuss our kitchen renovation. The co-worker actually was best man in the owner’s wedding so we figured that was a good connection. Being new to the Pittsburgh area, we are thankful for any type of recommendation.

Ready to repeat the process with a second kitchen contractor, we scheduled a meeting with the owner, Paul Columbus. I once again was armed with all my magazines and ideas, but hesitant to get too excited after our experience at Home Depot (explained in chapter 2 of our kitchen renovation post).

What a relief that Paul turned out to be a really nice guy to work with. He actually asked and listened to what we wanted then showed us various cabinet and countertop option. I was surprised when he said not many people ask for white cabinets anymore. How is that possible? White cabinets are featured numerous times in every single magazine I pick-up? That aside, it was a great meeting and I had a good feeling. Paul didn’t mock-up a design as he wanted to get his own guys into our kitchen for measurements instead of taking the information we had from Home Depot. I can’t say I blame him.

So once again we had to schedule an appointment for kitchen measurements. But the moment I met the installers – Joe and Jim – I immediately wasn’t bothered by this fact anymore. Joe and Jim are two older gentleman who very much reminded me of Keith’s grandpa Milo. Milo is probably the most handy guy we know so I instantly felt in safe hands with Joe and Jim. It was kind of love at first sight! Lol I knew if they completed our kitchen it would be done right and I wouldn’t have to worry.

After the measurements, we went back again to Columbus Brothers for another meeting with Paul. This time we’d sketch design plans and get a quote. I liked how Paul was very patient in accommodating my many ideas. And Keith liked how Paul had a gentle way of bringing me back down to reality at times. (which I realize can be a hard thing to do)

After another two hour meeting, Keith and I had a lot of things to discuss and consider. We both agreed that we felt comfortable and confident in working with Columbus Brothers, but our kitchen was going to cost us a bit more than we (a.k.a. Keith) originally thought.

As I mentioned in chapter 1 of our kitchen renovation post, sacrifices were going to have to be made to get this thing done. I guess I didn’t realize white kitchen cabinets cost so much more than stained wood cabinets. We both weren’t willing to go the thermofoil route – real wood was a must. But apparently the labor cost to paint real wood white adds a few extra $$$ to the cost. Stay tuned to find out what we decide!

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