Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chapter 3: 1/2 Bathroom Renovation

So while we’re waiting on the granite to arrive for the kitchen, let’s take a break and go back to our ½ bathroom renovation.

The reason for my delay in posting this specific renovation saga is because I actually had very little involvement in this project. Hence, I have no idea what the heck I’m talking about. But my sweet hubby keeps ignoring my requests for the gory details so I must simply move along without him and apologize for the poor and brief synopsis moving forward.

So basically I left off with a completely empty bathroom – all the tile removed from the floors and walls – and my vision for what I wanted the new bathroom to look like once completed. You can catch-up on this project by reading Chapters 1 and Chapters 2…posted oh so long ago!

Afterwards, Keith and his brother Andy purchasing some drywall to try and repair the areas where the wall tile use to be. Apparently this was a difficult process (but probably a good learning experience since we have two full baths to renovate next year) because we kept the top portion of the bathroom walls intact since they never contained tile.

In order to mesh the two walls evenly together, there was a lot of mudding and sanding, mudding and sanding…then more mudding and sanding involved. Quite frankly, it seemed like it took longer than it should have. In hindsight, I think Keith and Andy would agree it would have been easier to tear out all the walls completely and start fresh. Oh well. Live and learn.

Next, we needed to replace the floors. Keith and I found slate tile on clearance at Lowe’s that seemed to be a good fit with my vision and Keith’s budget. Win/win!

Slate doesn’t really create the clean lines and smooth texture of ceramic so looking back, it’s kind of an odd choice since I feel I’m generally more drawn to clean lines. But there was something about the raw and natural texture of the slate that appealed to my senses for the ½ bathroom.

It’s probably a good thing I got my slate tile installed because Keith and Andy swear they will never do it again. The slate was EXTREMELY messy to work with and the tiles kept breaking. I thought boys liked to get dirty so I didn’t see the big deal. :o)

In the end, I think they did a great job! Stay tuned to read about the biggest renovation disaster in This Happy House history to date!

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