Monday, August 30, 2010

Chapter 13: Kitchen Renovation

Week 2 with Joe, Jim and Jimmy. At this point they are starting to feel like family, although Walter still barks like crazy when they arrive each morning. So embarrassing!

One thing we had going for us was the fact that our cabinets were delivered to our house the Friday before. We simply stored the boxes in our living room. (It’s times like these that I’m thankful that all the rooms in our house are not completely furnished yet).

So Monday morning the guys started hammering away – no need to stand around waiting on any delivery truck.

I was amazing at how fast and efficient they were!

Jim, Jim and Jimmy literally installed more than half of our cabinets after the first day!

When they came back the next day, they worked on the installing the rest of the cabinets and island, putting the hardware on the doors and drawers along with placing the molding between the cabinet top and ceiling.

Also, our appliances arrived so the guys helped hook-up the frig, microwave and dishwasher. I was slightly stressing the refrigerator would not fit through our 29 inch doorway. The frig doors had to come off and even then there was literally no room to spare. But, it did eventually make it into the kitchen. Minor disaster averted. Whew!

Joe, Jim and Jimmy only had to come back for a couple of hours on the third day to complete their work such as adding brackets to the island, installing electric to the island and adding the remaining hardware to the doors and drawers.

We really cannot thank them enough for their work, professionalism and expertise. They truly did an outstanding job! Keith and I literally didn’t have to worry or stress about a thing…well, except for maybe one minor miscommunication regarding the two corner cabinets with the glass doors (which haven’t arrived yet, but will be ready once the granite gets installed).

I thought the inside of the cabinets would be stained to match the outside since we requested clear glass. Unfortunately that is not the case. :o(

I was slightly bummed and frustrated, but I think we found a solution. First, I did like the idea of painting the backs of these two glass cabinets to match the paint color I pick for the walls. So part of the problem was solved. Jim then suggested they use extra molding trim to at least cover the front edge of the shelves. And I have to admit that it definitely looks better, but with the cabinets being so tall, you can still see the bottoms of the shelves and how it’s not stained. So I’m not entirely happy. The good news is that we can purchase stained shelves – an extra expense that I don’t think Keith is too crazy about, but I’m just going to have to work on him until he gives in….it eventually will happen. :o)

So besides the tiny miscommunication, Keith and I really have no complaints whatsoever. We would definitley recommend the J’s and Columbus Brothers to anyone.

I've got my fabulous open shelf!

Extra lighting under the cabinets!

A HUGE pantry with pull-out shelves to store and organize our food!

This handy-dandy trash and recycle cabinet!

And my island...sigh of happiness! What more could a girl want?!?!

Stay tuned because we’re coming to the final chapters of our kitchen renovation! But while we wait on the granite to arrive, I'll be wrapping up our 1/2 bathroom renovation project that I didn't finish tell you all about. Oops!

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