Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chapter 4: 1/2 Bathroom Renovation

As I mentioned in Chapter 2 of the ½ Bathroom Renovation, we saved the vanity and marble countertop since both were in pretty good shape. The vanity just needed a couple fresh coats of Glidden’s Dove White semi-gloss paint, some new hardware and she’d be good as new again! And the marble countertop was simply stunning in my opinion. I was so happy we could keep these original elements from the home intact…or so I thought.

First, we had the fun challenge of trying to find a new white sink to replace the yucky original beige/tank sink. Of course the hole in the marble for the under mount sink was abnormally small that even a Lowe’s or Home Depot didn’t carry its size. Fortunately, Keith was successful in locating a random shop in Bridgeville that carried the size sink we needed. Whew!

So after I finished my one assignment out of this whole project (painting the vanity), Keith and Andy were ready to move it into the bathroom and secure the marble and sink on top. I happened to be productively watching some TV in the other room as they were doing this when I heard a loud CRASH!!!

I knew nothing good had happened so I just stayed put on the sofa and waited to hear the bad news that eventually would arrive. Yes, my lovely marble countertop broke in half. Definitely, the biggest disaster to happen in This Happy House to date.

Moment of silence please.

And with that, Keith and I ended up going to Home Depot and picked out a granite countertop for our vanity. And while I realize that granite is a completely wonderful option, I couldn’t help but be a little sad when we made the purchase. (I missed my marble!)

To add to the "luck" we were having with this project, the sink we already purchased was too small to reuse with the new granite so we had to buy another one. Ugh, a sting to the wallet since we couldn’t return the first sink after it was damaged when the marble broke. Sigh!

So basically, this whole ½ bathroom renovation wasn’t really going entirely as planned. I guess I should be thankful that this was the last bump in the road we hit during this project.

When the granite finally arrived I was happy - it looked great with the slate floor. And we all know that when mama’s happy, everyone is happy!

Stay tuned, I’ll make the big ½ bathroom reveal next!

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